🌱 thoughts 🌱

Feb 08, 2025 - 8:53AM

I'm really liking deno, and also really liking lume.

It really helps that I'm finding their quikstart and getting started guides really useful, and genuinely easy to navigate / find the things I need.

Feb 06, 2025 - 3:10PM

Found the Secret Garden by way of ribo.zone's link graveyard and I love it! I've been wanting to make a site similar to it for ages.

I definitely need to set aside time to properly go through it. I'm thinking of making 'case study' pages, because I do love writing down my thoughts so I don't forget them...

Feb 01, 2025 - 11:05AM

Also do people know Sean Mccoy? I don't, but he's in the board game space and has a blog I just found. A small rant about investigation in rpgs

Feb 01, 2025 - 10:43AM

Blot is a folder driven CMS, and it looks really cool to me.

It's $5/month, I'm assuming USD, and it seems as simple as it promises.

I went poking about for what templates / themes they got going, and two that have caught my eye are:

Unfortunately no trial, but $5/month isn't steep for a taste...

Feb 01, 2025 - 10:37AM

Reading From the Superhighway

I’ve done a lot of work in open source software, and I’d say the ethos behind indie literary magazines and open source projects are far more similar than most would expect. Editing a literary magazine is like maintaining an open source project; submitting your writing to a literary magazine is like contributing code or documentation to an open source project.

Jan 31, 2025 - 6:27PM

Tried out micro.blog. Didn't like it.

I definitely prefer my pika page. The editing experience is just nicer, and I think it's more honest about the trial.

Jan 29, 2025 - 8:51PM

The way that if anything supports markdown it instantly gets a +10 points from me.

Markdown is so great, I want to use it everywhere

Jan 27, 2025 - 7:50PM

Hello, it's been a moment but I'm back

Some recent(ly re-found) things (sitting in my tabs I'm clearing out):

I've also come across some CMS offerings:

But as I find and discard the thought of using CMS, I'm starting to wonder if I even want a CMS. The answer is probably No. The answer is probably that I should Just Start Writing. The answer is probably that I am putting horses before the cart, and over-thinking and over-planning for content that might never get made.

I also started off the year with some vague thoughts around weeknotes, and keeping weeknotes. But it's stayed as a thought rather than something I've acted on. Hmm. I think it comes back to what do I want it for? What will it do for me?

Maybe I'm just overthinking instead of doing again

Dec 31, 2024 - 6:33PM

Some more cool links I've found:

I've also subscribed to the RSS of From the Superhighway

That's it for now. Happy new year folks!

Dec 29, 2024 - 7:13PM

Hello! I'm back, found a few more cool things today:

Got some drawings down as well. I was so sad to realise I hadn't drawn anything digital in over two years. Thinking about updating my neocities site again too.

Dec 25, 2024 - 10:57PM

Found my way back to thoughts.page again. Been delving back into small web stuff. Wanting to keep track of the various technologies I find and are interested in, so that I can dig through it again later.

Today's finds:

Very cool small web things:

Nov 12, 2023 - 9:56PM

[Proj: Personal blog] Worked on it a little more. Making progress on the sidebar (pulled it out into its own ejs partial + css) and added some stuff to the index page (figured out how to reference Hexo variables for post info).

Nov 12, 2023 - 9:53PM

Setting up a new thoughts page just to I guess, track my day to day progresses and stuff? Let's see how this goes

hosted on thoughts.page. theme by evy. check out the thoughts webring!