I'm really liking deno, and also really liking lume.
It really helps that I'm finding their quikstart and getting started guides really useful, and genuinely easy to navigate / find the things I need.
Found the Secret Garden by way of ribo.zone's link graveyard and I love it! I've been wanting to make a site similar to it for ages.
I definitely need to set aside time to properly go through it. I'm thinking of making 'case study' pages, because I do love writing down my thoughts so I don't forget them...
Also do people know Sean Mccoy? I don't, but he's in the board game space and has a blog I just found. A small rant about investigation in rpgs
Blot is a folder driven CMS, and it looks really cool to me.
It's $5/month, I'm assuming USD, and it seems as simple as it promises.
I went poking about for what templates / themes they got going, and two that have caught my eye are:
Portfolio: which could be great for hosting my art
Manifesto: i just really love that reading experience. I feel so drawn in
Unfortunately no trial, but $5/month isn't steep for a taste...
Reading From the Superhighway
I’ve done a lot of work in open source software, and I’d say the ethos behind indie literary magazines and open source projects are far more similar than most would expect. Editing a literary magazine is like maintaining an open source project; submitting your writing to a literary magazine is like contributing code or documentation to an open source project.
- Joel Hans
Tried out micro.blog. Didn't like it.
I definitely prefer my pika page. The editing experience is just nicer, and I think it's more honest about the trial.
The way that if anything supports markdown it instantly gets a +10 points from me.
Markdown is so great, I want to use it everywhere
Hello, it's been a moment but I'm back
Some recent(ly re-found) things (sitting in my tabs I'm clearing out):
Slash pages - Pages like /now and /using
Blogrolls - It's good to finally see a definition for this word that I've seen thrown around for years
I've also come across some CMS offerings:
But as I find and discard the thought of using CMS, I'm starting to wonder if I even want a CMS. The answer is probably No. The answer is probably that I should Just Start Writing. The answer is probably that I am putting horses before the cart, and over-thinking and over-planning for content that might never get made.
I also started off the year with some vague thoughts around weeknotes, and keeping weeknotes. But it's stayed as a thought rather than something I've acted on. Hmm. I think it comes back to what do I want it for? What will it do for me?
Maybe I'm just overthinking instead of doing again
Some more cool links I've found:
Some resources I used to help make my worm mobile nav - image free!
Working with shapes in web design - CSS Tricks
Sonic the Hedgehog - codepen - zessx
bitsy - Very cool and I want to make something in it
vertex meadow - Looks very cool, though I haven't tried it yet.
I've also subscribed to the RSS of From the Superhighway
That's it for now. Happy new year folks!
Hello! I'm back, found a few more cool things today:
Got some drawings down as well. I was so sad to realise I hadn't drawn anything digital in over two years. Thinking about updating my neocities site again too.
Found my way back to thoughts.page again. Been delving back into small web stuff. Wanting to keep track of the various technologies I find and are interested in, so that I can dig through it again later.
Today's finds:
Very cool small web things:
[Proj: Personal blog] Worked on it a little more. Making progress on the sidebar (pulled it out into its own ejs partial + css) and added some stuff to the index page (figured out how to reference Hexo variables for post info).
Setting up a new thoughts page just to I guess, track my day to day progresses and stuff? Let's see how this goes
hosted on thoughts.page. theme by evy. check out the thoughts webring!